Global Talent Stream Jobs and VISA in Canada 2024

The Canadian Global Talent Stream jobs are intended to assist firms in swiftly and easily filling open positions with qualified foreign workers. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) developed this initiative in an attempt to overcome the talent gap in a few key areas of the Canadian economy. Depending on their skills, international workers in this stream may be eligible for temporary work permits in as little as two weeks.

For those chosen through this stream to be eligible for a work permit in Canada, they must fulfill certain requirements and be able to provide proof of their experience, skill level, and language ability. Employers may swiftly and easily acquire highly qualified workers in this way, which helps them maintain their competitiveness in a global market that is constantly evolving.

Check Also: High Demand Courses to Get Jobs in Canada 2024 – Apply Now

If you’re interested in learning more about these job prospects, keep reading this blog post.

Categories of Global Talent Stream Jobs and VISA in Canada

Canada’s Global Talent Stream program provides a range of employment options. Critical Occupations, High-Growth Occupations, and Established and Emerging Companies are the three main categories into which these jobs fall.

1# Critical Occupations

Critical occupations are those that, in order to satisfy the demands of the Canadian economy, call for extremely specialized or rare skill sets. Professionals in computer and IT, engineers, scientists, and other highly trained fields can find positions in this area.

2# High-Growth Occupations

Occupations with high growth potential are those that adapt to the shifting needs of the labor market. These could include CEOs, early adopters, inventors, entrepreneurs, and up-and-coming leaders in their industries.

3# Established & Emerging Companies

Well-established and developing companies are organizations that either need qualified laborers or have the potential to succeed and have already experienced some level of success. Jobs in industries including banking, marketing, sales, building, and hospitality are included.

Benefits of Global Talent Stream Jobs and VISA in Canada

  • Quick Processing: The GTS provides work permit processing that is expedited and usually completed in two weeks. Employers who need to swiftly fill important roles will benefit from this pace.
  • Simplified Application procedure: In comparison to other immigration channels, the application procedure is made to be as efficient as possible with minimal paperwork.
  • Access to Top Talent: Employers in Canada have the ability to hire exceptionally talented individuals from throughout the globe, which helps to fill skill gaps and spur innovation in important industries.
  • Work Permit for Highly Skilled Workers: The GTS permits skilled workers to work in Canada in occupations that are in high demand, such as technology, engineering, and the sciences.
  • Pathway to Permanent Residency: Although the GTS is a temporary work permit in and of itself, it is possible to progress from it to permanent residency. Eventually, a lot of GTS workers apply to other immigration schemes for permanent status.
  • Employer help: The program makes sure that firms meet the rules for recruiting foreign talent by providing them with help and requirements for employer compliance.
  • Flexibility in Work and Travel: The work permit gives employees the freedom to live and work in Canada, where they can enjoy a great standard of living and travel the nation.
  • Economic Growth: The GTS helps Canada’s economy expand and innovate by bringing in talent from around the world, which benefits both companies and the country’s economy as a whole.
  • Transfer of Skills: Diverse viewpoints and skill sets from international talent can augment the expertise and capacities of Canadian enterprises.

Eligibility Criteria for Global Talent Stream Jobs in Canada

Employers in these three areas can swiftly and effectively obtain skilled foreign professionals by using the Global Talent Stream, a fast-track method. Companies can meet labor shortages and give foreign specialists much-needed career chances by using this program.

  • In Canada, the Global Talent Stream is limited to working with specific designated firms.
  • Professionals from other countries who want to work in Canada need to be qualified for the position they are applying for and have post-secondary education.
  • A job offer from a recognized employer that Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has authorized is required.
  • The prevailing wage for the position must be paid by the employer.
  • The candidate needs to provide documentation of their education and experience in the workforce.
  • An LMIA exemption code from Service Canada or the IRCC is required.
  • It is necessary to meet the language proficiency criterion with a minimum of Canadian language.

Application procedure for Global Talent Stream Jobs and VISA in Canada

With Canada’s Global Talent Stream, you may locate the ideal work opportunity, whether you’re searching for an executive role, a career in high tech, or even a job in construction. Thus, be sure to take a look at this incredible program and all of the options it offers if you’re looking for a job in Canada!

Although submitting an application for Global Talent Stream (GTS) jobs in Canada can appear daunting, it’s actually rather simple! This is a comprehensive guide that will help you make sure your GTS job application gets accepted all the way through.

  • Find job postings: Visit the official Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) website to start your search for the ideal position. Utilizing the search feature will help you focus your options and identify the ideal match for you.
  • Make an account on ESDC: In order to submit your application for a position that piques your interest, you must first make an account on the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) website.
  • Send in your resume. A copy of your résumé is required when submitting your GTS job application. To distinguish yourself from the competition, make sure to highlight all your essential experience and credentials.
  • Fill out the online forms: Completing the online forms that are part of the GTS job application is the next step. This entails completing an online profile, giving references from your place of employment, and sending in a copy of your passport or, if necessary, another travel document.
  • Get additional paperwork ready. Depending on the position for which you are applying, you might need to send copies of your certifications and degrees or evidence of your language skills. Make sure you follow these instructions and send in all the required paperwork on time.
  • Send in your application. After completing the preceding steps, click “submit” to forward your GTS employment application to ESDC for evaluation!
  • A confirmation email will be sent to you after your application has been submitted, so wait for that to happen. ESDC will get in touch with you immediately if there are any problems with your application.
  • Follow-up: It’s crucial to make sure ESDC has received the required paperwork and information after you submit your GTS job application. This is also your chance to find out how your application is progressing and confirm that it is being handled appropriately.

Is any Fee Required for the Canada Global Talent Stream Application?

For each Global Talent Stream application that you would want to take into consideration, a payment of $1,000 (CAD$1000) is required. You will not be reimbursed for the application processing cost in the event that you withdraw, cancel, or have your application rejected. In the event of an erroneous fee collection, a reimbursement will be granted.

The processing cost is not the responsibility of temporary foreign workers, and it may not be collected by the government.

You should have no trouble finishing your GTS job application from beginning to end with the help of our step-by-step tutorial! I wish you luck!

  1. Does Canada have a global talent visa?

    Skilled workers can anticipate processing their Canada work permits and Canada visa applications within two weeks under the Global Talent Stream.

  2. How long does it take to get a Canada Global Talent Stream visa?

    The global talent stream applications take up to 10 business days to process. If the employer’s application is successful, they will receive a positive Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), which will allow the foreign worker to apply for a work permit.

  3. Is Global Talent a work visa? 

    You can apply for a Global Talent visa to work in the UK if you’re a leader or potential leader in one of the following fields: academia or research, arts and culture, or digital technology.