Jobs in Germany for Students 2024 – Full-time or Part-time

You have correctly understood the text. Although students are permitted to work in Germany, they are restricted to the number of hours they are allocated each week. In order to legally work in Germany, pupils must obtain a work permit.

Despite the fact that German universities do not impose tuition fees, those that do are extremely minimal and can be afforded. However, the cost of living in Germany is a factor that must be taken into account. It is crucial for international students to consider their financial management strategies. It is advisable to establish financial security at the outset. This article has addressed several of the ways in which international students can effectively manage their expenses.

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Personal savings to support your education

In order to obtain a student visa and residence permit in Germany, it is imperative to provide evidence of financial resources. Despite the fact that the funds you possess are insufficient to cover the entire cost of living in Germany, they must be able to obtain the visa for you. This can be accomplished with minimal effort.

Therefore, in order to achieve this objective, it is imperative to initiate savings at an early stage, as the sum cannot be acquired within a finite quantity of time. The majority of international students are attracted to Germany due to its affordability and high-quality academic programs. The majority of students commence conserving money the moment they determine to pursue their education at a German university. Conversely, this is also a financial savings strategy, as it necessitates more frequent implementation during one’s overseas studies.

Parental income to support your study

One alternative method of financing one’s living and academic pursuits in Germany is through parental income. If your parents have the financial resources to provide for you in an international country, it is the most viable alternative. In this regard, you are required to submit a bank statement to the German Embassy that confirms that your parents will be responsible for funding your living expenses and academic pursuits. Furthermore, this will enable you to obtain a student visa at a faster rate than individuals who are self-funding their education.

Additionally, it is the most advantageous opportunity if your familial income is substantial and can cover your expenses for the entire duration of your studies. You will be able to focus on your academics without having to worry about the expenses.

Conversely, it is not uncommon for certain families to establish a savings account to support their children’s education. Numerous international students utilize this fund to obtain student visas in order to pursue their degrees in Germany.

Therefore, if you are unable to obtain a student visa or conclude your studies in Germany due to a lack of personal funds, the most viable alternative is to borrow money from your parents.

Benefits of Jobs in Germany for Students

  • Financial Assistance: Students have the option to earn additional income to support their studies or cover living expenses. This is especially advantageous in urban areas with elevated housing expenses.
  • Work-Life Balance: Germany’s rigorous labor laws guarantee equitable working hours and favorable working conditions, which assist students in reconciling their academic obligations with their professional obligations.
  • Soft Skills Development: Jobs, regardless of their relevance to the student’s field of study, offer practical experience, assist in the cultivation of soft skills (such as time management and communication), and can improve a resume.
  • Networking Opportunities: Students have the opportunity to establish professional networks while working in Germany, which can be advantageous for future internships and career opportunities.
  • Cultural Experience: Students can enhance their language skills, acquire a more profound understanding of the local culture, and gain a better understanding of German work culture by working for a German company or organization.
  • Work Authorization: Students from EU/EEA countries are permitted to work without restrictions, while non-EU/EEA students are typically permitted to work up to 120 full days or 240 half days per year.
  • Benefits of Post-Graduation: The acquisition of work experience in Germany can enhance the likelihood of securing a job after graduation by demonstrating a solid understanding of the German job market and working environment.
  • Social Integration: Employment offers the opportunity to engage with locals, which can facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the German lifestyle and facilitate social integration.

Part-time Jobs in Germany

Approximately 60% of international students in Germany work part-time to support their education and living expenses, as indicated by various statistics. The primary reason for this is that Germany offers a diverse array of job opportunities for international students and does not necessitate high-level skills, which attracts individuals from all over the world.

International students enrolled in Germany are permitted to work for a total of 120 days annually, as stipulated by legal regulations. However, in order to increase your workload, you must obtain authorization from two distinct organizations. The local employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit) and the foreigners’ registration office (Ausländerbehörde) are among the organizations in question. The status of the students is meticulously examined by these organizations, and after careful consideration of all the details, they grant permission to work additional hours.

Nevertheless, it is important to remember that part-time job earnings in Germany are insufficient to cover all of your expenses. Nevertheless, they can certainly assist in alleviating the financial burden. Ultimately, this is the course of action that the majority of students in Germany pursue.

Additionally, we recommend that you reach out to the student service agency at the university if you are uncertain about how to secure employment in Germany. It will furnish you with comprehensive information regarding the positions and their application procedures.

Therefore, if you are contemplating working part-time in Germany, you should absolutely pursue it, as it will alleviate your financial obligations and allow you to focus more on your academic pursuits.

Jobs for International Students in Germany

There are numerous employment opportunities available in Germany; however, we recommend that you pursue a position that is pertinent to your field in order to maintain your focus on your academic pursuits without the need to exert additional effort. Furthermore, it will assist you in the process of incorporating credits into your courses.

If you are a student of chemistry, biology, or physics, universities provide a variety of part-time jobs to help you finance your studies. For example, you may be able to work as a lab staff member. However, if you are unable to secure employment on campus, there are numerous alternative employment opportunities available to you, including:

  • Babysitter
  • Waiter
  • Bartender
  • Academic Assistant
  • Newspaper distributor
  • Administrative Staff at Student Services
  • A staff member at the university’s history museum
  • Tutor
  • Write articles for magazines.

Become an online freelancer using platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, PPH, and Fiverr. If you possess the ability to write articles, perform graphic design tasks, or serve as a transcriber, you may locate an online freelance position on one of the platforms mentioned above. The benefit of this type of work is that it can be completed in the library of your school or while reclining in bed in the dormitory, allowing you to earn money.

One critical factor to consider is that the sum of money you receive from a part-time position is contingent upon the nature of the job and the professional skills you possess. Additionally, individuals who exceed a monthly income of 450 euros are required to pay taxes, as they will be classified as regular taxpayers. Therefore, the current legal framework does not permit the financing of one’s living expenses and academic pursuits through a part-time job.

Student loans in Germany

Student loans are one of the alternative methods of financing studies in Germany. Fortunately, there are numerous programs that enable international students to obtain student loans. There are numerous private and public organizations in Germany that provide student loans to international students at interest rates that are either nonexistent or significantly reduced. Additionally, universities have implemented programs to offer loans to students who are not German.

While public student loan programs typically do not impose an interest rate, private initiatives do. Students are required to pay low interest rates. In addition to this, there may be additional constraints, such as the time frame within which the loan must be repaid and, on occasion, the maximum quantity of money that can be borrowed.

However, this does not imply that you can entirely depend on student loans to cover all of your expenses, as the amount you receive from them is restricted. The student loan is a supplementary fund that is intended to cover expenses in Germany. Therefore, it is important to avoid becoming overburdened with financial obligations.

Therefore, prior to identifying an organization that provides student financing, it is crucial to examine your university and the programs it provides for international students. The following are a few resources from which international students in Germany can obtain student loans:.

What is BAföG?


It is an acronym for the Federal Education and Training Assistance Act. It offers student financing to international students who are unable to finance their studies in Germany. In 1971, the program was established to provide loans as either grants or loans with no interest. Currently, services have been provided to cover the financial expenses of approximately four million individuals.

What is Bildungskredit?


The government has granted approval to this fund, which is closely associated with various private financial organizations. Bildungskredit, in contrast to the BAföG, offers loans to international students who are in the final phases of their degrees and require financial assistance to complete their training. Additionally, this fund is accessible to all individuals, as it is not a need-based platform and offers a low interest rate.

How to obtain a Study loan in Germany?

In addition to public student loan schemes, a substantial number of institutions in Germany offer student loans to international students. The institutions have established favorable interest rates to ensure that foreign students can capitalize on them. The Deutsche Bank, Raiffeisenbanken, HypoVereinsbank, and Sparkasse are the institutions that provide student loans to foreign students.

List of Scholarships in Germany: Your funding options in Germany

Scholarships are an excellent method of financing your education. There are a substantial number of scholarships available to international students in Germany. Although it is challenging to rely solely on scholarships, they also contribute a substantial sum to the financial expenses associated with your studies in Germany. Given the abundance of scholarships available, it is imperative to pursue them whenever possible. Some of the scholarships that provide a substantial sum of money to international students are detailed below.

The Deutschlandstipendium in Germany

It is a hybrid of public and private ownership that provides financial support to exceptional international students, in addition to a variety of other benefits. About 150€ per month is contributed to the student by private organizations that participate in this scholarship program. The total monthly contribution to each pupil is 300€, with public companies also contributing 150€.

Nevertheless, this funding is limited to two semesters; it may be extended to cover the entire duration of the program. The university is responsible for nominating students for this scholarship by establishing specific criteria, as the funds are provided by both public and private partners.

DAAD Scholarships for Germany

Since 1925, Daad has been one of the oldest organizations in Germany, providing international students with exceptional opportunities to finance their education. Its objective is to foster the internalization of various universities in Germany by offering a variety of funding and counseling opportunities. Daad scholarships are awarded to hundreds of students annually. Approximately 131,000 pupils, including both national and international students, received funding from DAD in recent years.

Erasmus+ Scholarships for Germany

Erasmus is the most extensive European financing program for international students. Erasmus offers an exchange program that provides international students with the opportunity to study in Germany for a limited period, typically one semester. The Erasmus program is closely partnered with German universities to assist students in financing their education. Occasionally, Erasmus funds are not explicitly allocated; however, they are fully covered.

Privately-funded scholarships in Germany

Numerous private organizations offer international students the chance to study in Germany. Their primary objective is to recognize the German individual who is highly esteemed and to establish a connection between the international relations of various nations.

The following are examples of privately awarded German scholarships:

  • Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship
  • DKFZ International Ph.D. Program
  • Max Plank Society Research

In addition to these, there are numerous other German scholarships that are accessible to international students. You merely need to exert a small amount of effort to locate and apply for these esteemed scholarships.

  1. How do I get a job in Germany as a student?

    If you’re a student seeking part-time work in Germany, online job portals are a helpful resource. Employers post job listings on these platforms, making it simple for students to find and apply for suitable positions. Job portals offer a wide variety of job opportunities, with clear skill requirements specified.

  2. Can a student work 40 hours in Germany? 

    For EU nationals, the limit is 20 hours per week during term times. During your semester break, you can work up to 40 hours a week. You can only work 120 full days or 240 half days every year, whether during term or during vacations, if you are coming from outside the EU.

  3. How much can a student earn in Germany? 

    As a student, you can earn up to 522.50 euros per month without having to pay taxes to the German state (as of January 2024). So, if you receive your salary on a mini-job basis every month, you will receive 6,270 euros per year. There is an annual tax-free allowance for students.